Our community supports each student’s unique path toward health and well-being. At LifeCore Yoga, we empower students to nourish, transform and unite mind, body and spirit through Yoga practice. Whether your goals are relaxation, flexibility, weight loss, fitness or improving overall health we have a class for you.
All of our teachers are Yoga Alliance Registered with at least 200-500 hours of training. Most of our teachers have over a decade of experience with over 3,000 hours of teaching. All meet internationally recognized standards of training and ongoing professional development that protects the health and safety of our community.
Our classes are based on Hatha Yoga, a balancing sun/moon practice, and Vinyasa Yoga, a practice that links breath to movement and strengthens the mind-body connection. No matter the age, weight, strength or flexibility level of the student, LifeCore classes are for everyone. Come discover the health benefits of yoga with a wide variety of class options.
We welcome you to our community!
First Week of Unlimited Yoga for $30

Featured Events
Beginners Yoga
Wednesdays 7:15pm
You've heard so much about yoga, you know it's supposed to be great for your body, mind and spirit, but you don't know where to begin. If you have been curious about yoga but didn't want to walk into a class without any experience we can help you! This introduction to yoga will provide you with the basic tools to get started. The intimate group experience offers a safe, nurturing and inspiring setting to begin your yoga journey.
Candlelight Yoga
Mondays 7:15pm & Thursdays 6pm
Candlelight Yoga is designed to restore the body and mind with an emphasis on breath work, lengthening muscles and relieving stress. A perfect class to unwind the body and mind. “The antidote to stress is relaxation. To relax is to rest deeply. This rest is different from sleep. Deep states of sleep include periods of dreaming, which increase muscular tension, as well as other physiological signs of tension. Relaxation is a state in which there is no movement, no effort, and the brain is quiet.” Judith Hanson Lasater
200 hour Yoga Teacher & Yogi Training
JAN - April 2025
Our mission is to provide tools that inspire you to dive deeper into yoga asana, philosophy, methodology, and whole-body wellness. We are committed to providing the highest level of education to help you evolve on your journey as a yoga student and teacher. Our training program will empower students to nourish, transform and unite mind, body and spirit through Yoga.